1. Contact the candidate and identify yourself as the host.
  2. Create the visitor schedule at https://visit.cs.fsu.edu, enter the slots for the Dean's office, the department chair, the talk, and breaks, and get faculty members to sign up for the interview. You will get the time slots for the Dean's office from the department chair or Faculty Recruiting Committee chair.
  3. Get presentation title/abstract/bio and send to the department colloquium coordinator (currently Dan Schwartz), graduate seminar class instructor (currently Xiuwen Liu), and web master (currently shao@cs.fsu.edu and yuwang@cs.fsu.edu) for announcement.
  4. Coordinate with the candidate regarding the interview:
      1. Create a zoom link to be used for all individual faculty meetings and presentation and make sure the candidate becomes the host/cohost so that they can change settings (such as enabling waiting room and so on).
      2. Post the zoom link in visit.cs.fsu.edu.
      3. Send the link to the Chair (currently Weikuan Yu) to be passed to the Dean's office.
      4. Check with the candidate about permission to record the talk to the cloud, and then post a link to the cloud video in the presentation slot of the visitor page after the talk.
  5. Introduce the candidate at the talk and monitor the Q/A.
  6. Be the contact point in the interview day in case of emergency.